Graffiti Street Art or Vandalism? While driving around Chicago, it is not hard to find murals on the walls of buildings and bridges. Many are beautiful and took a lot of time to create. They serve as a way to give some color to a neighborhood. While driving past some of my favorite murals, the Hubbard Street Murals, I began to notice the tagging and defacement on the walls. Some have even been painted over to cover up graffiti. Another Mural in Hyde Park was also defaced. Many people think of this kind of this when they hear about grafitii artists. They see the sketchy allys and industrial buildings. But Graffiti can be beautiful and give color to communities just like the commissioned murals. . Going out and looking of Graffiti like that made me see the skill and beauty in everyday Graffiti. ...
Who Gets to Choose? In light of the events in 2016 with police shootings and racial controversy I decided to bring light to the opinions of real people. I went to the streets of Chicago and asked people one question, why do the police get to decide who lives and die? "I think that the police don't get to decide who lives and who dies. It's all in the moment. But, it's true they do decide whether or not they pull the trigger. We have to trust our officers." "We have to find a proper balance between law and compassion." "As a Chicagoan I have seen my fair share of the emotional torment police shootings have had on the city. I love this city and seeing it be torn apart by this hurts me. I do not think that the police get the right to chose." I decided to get a voice from Lab, Abraham Zelchenko "The police who are trigger happy act as the judge, jury, and executioner. What is the point o...
When in Greece Recently I took a school trip to Greece with my camera. Throughout the week I captured the landscape and urban life of Greece. As we flew, the land beneath us was beautiful Right out of the airport, it was clear how the Greek economy relied on tourism The city of Athens was littered with graffiti and signs made of both the Greek and Latin alphabet Walking through the city people and dogs where everywhere There were many museums and tourist locations in the city But the most beautiful and awe aspiring sight was the landscape and everyday life
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